Shipping Rates

We use An Post for our delivery and use their standard rates. This unfortunately does not offer tracking on your parcel. If you would like us to include tracked delivery please contact us immediately after you have placed your order. 

Northern Europe - Belgium, Channel Islands, France, Germany, Great Britain, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Luxembourg, Netherlands

Cards 0.4 (2 can go in a small envelope more than than a large envelope)

Hat 1 kg (one goes in a large envelope more than one in a packet)

Belinda Northcote - 2kg 




Ireland & NI UK, France, Germany,  Rest of Europe   Rest World South America, Oz and New Z.

Small Envelope

0.01g to 0.99g

€1.50 €2.50
Large Envelope  €2.95 €5.00 €5.50 €8.00 €9.00

Light Packet


Length plus width plus depth, no more than 900mm with no dimension exceeding 600mm.

Weight up to 250g

€4.80 €8.00 €9.00 €12.00 €18.00

Heavy Packet


Length plus width plus depth, no more than 900mm with no dimension exceeding 600mm.

Weight up to 1kg

€5.95 €12.50 €14.50 €21.00 €27.00

Small Parcel 

up to 2 kg 

Length: 1.5 metres


€5.95 €21.00 €30.00 €44.00 €49.00

Large Parcel

up to 5kg 



€25.00 €45.00 €68.00 €89.00