Irish for I love you

Irish for I love you

If like me you like to use some Irish words and phrases Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to practice the Irish for I love you. The word in Irish for love is Grá. However, if you want to say I love you in Irish there is a little more too it. There is no direct translation of the phrase I love you but don’t let that deter you. While it’s not an exact match there are many beautiful words to use in Irish for I love you. 

The closest translation in Irish for I love you is ‘Mo ghrá thú’. This uses the word love - grá. In Irish the beginning of the word can be spelt differently and sound different when it comes after certain words. One of these words is Mo which shows possession.  So instead of Irish for I love you it’s really My love is you or you are my love. Like with any language the saying it can be the most difficult part. To say Mo ghrá thú phonetically it would be moh graw too

Recently I was doing something in public and I wanted to say an Irish phrase at the end. However, at the last minute I didn’t say it and I regret that decision. The thing about languages is that you have to practice and in order to practice you need to not worry if you get it wrong. Irish is a complicated language and the regional variations are noticeable. However like we tell the kids practice makes perfect and saying Irish for I love you is a great place to start. 

There are some simple ways to express how you feel in Irish. A nice simple one is Mo ghrá [moh graw] – my love. It can be used in Irish for I love you or as a term of endearment. I think I’ve also heard it shortened to simply Ghrá. 

Similar phrases to Mo ghrá and Mo chroí [moh kree] – my heart, Mo anam cara [moh anum cair-ah] – my soulmate and Mo fhíorghrá [moh hear-graw] – my true love. All of these are a nice alternative in Irish for I love you. 

These are some simple phrases to get you started. However, there are many beautiful ways to tell someone you love them in Irish that aren’t limited to trying to use the Irish for I love you. Irish is a wonderfully expressive language that for me it is a language with a lot of feeling. One of may favourite alternatives is  ‘is tú mo chuisle‘ [Iss too mu kooish-la] which means you are my pulse. 

A nice phrase that uses the Irish for love is Grá geal mo chroí. Mo chroí means heart and geal means bright. So it translates as Bright or shining love of my heart. 

They do say actions speak louder than words so if you want to express your love you don’t need to worry because we have you covered. We have beautiful cards in Irish, gifts made in Ireland and Irish love symbols. Check out our collection here

Like when I was learning Arabic I was getting corrected on phrases that were perfect in one region but maybe a Jordanian was correcting my Kuwaiti phrase. It wasn’t until I picked on dialect - Egyptian, that I started to make real progress. So pick one Irish dialect be it where your parents are from or where an Irish speaker you know is from and stick with that. And don’t be afraid to tell people I’m learning Connaught Irish how do they say it. 

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