There's a saying 'if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got' or something along those lines. I'm just back from the play 'Home' and I'm in awe that someone who I see regularly behind the counter in the hardware shop wrote the play that I've just seen.
I've never written anything of great length but I can only imagine the vision, commitment and creativity it took to get from - 'I'd really like to write a play', or 'I have this great idea for a play' to putting it together in a four night production.
I saw a static that 81% of people think they have a book in them but 97% of them will never finish it. I know it's not the same as writing a play but the odds are huge because to complete a piece of writing is a huge achievement.
Doing something you love and are passionate about is such a incredible thing and it's within us all to do it - maybe we just have to find our talent. That's the easy part. Listen to people around you they will be commenting on what you are good at, or maybe there is something that you find really easy that other don't or something that you really enjoy. Is there a subject you can't stop talking about?, maybe it's connected to your hidden talent and if all those things fail just ask people around you.
The hardest thing is putting yourself out there. A book, a painting, a play, whatever it is once you know you can do it you've got to not worry about what people might think and just let your talent shine.
The play was set in Nottingham. I'm not sure what to call that - is it my home town? It's where I grew up anyway. It was set in the Vale Pub. If it's the same one I know it's still there on Mansfield Road. I'm not sure if the Irish Centre has survived though. The last time I was there it was closed up, the signs of a dwindling community now mostly second generation of the generation that stepped off the boat.
As a child of 4 and 5 I went there for my Irish dancing lessons and fell asleep in the tin whistle lessons while my sister learned how to play. It's where I first got drunk at 15 and had to be taken home by my big sister and it's where as a young professional adult I ended up most weeks sticking to the dance floor and ordering warm drinks. Happy memories over a lifetime but as usual I digress down memory lane.
As I was writing this this advert came on - it's a powerful message that brought a lump to my throat but with a wonderful message. So I will leave you with a final thought and and this message... 'incredible things happen when you believe' #believeinyourself