Amazing Irish gifts for women

I’ve been working on a range of Irish gifts for women for a while and they have finally landed in store. I am so excited. It was an idea I had several years ago a range of gifts to celebrate the strength of Irish women. For me Irish women have a set of unique qualities. They can take on a challenge with the best of them and this strength shines most in difficult times. It’s like in times of crisis they know what to do. There is no one better to turn to for help, caring to a fault. Often, they will look after everyone at the expense of looking after themselves. 

As the next generation follows us I hope I can in some small way be a role model to the next generation of strong women. To show them that confidence is the sexiest thing they can wear. To be unafraid, proud and unbothered by what others say and that all that really matters is to be true to one’s self. 

I am so lucky to have these wonderful, proud women in my life be it a virtual network or physical friends. Of course you can say it’s a stereotype but one I see played out daily in my life. I am so lucky to be an Irish woman, to be raised by one and to be raising one. 

These are the women I have in my life. The ones I had in mind when developing these gifts. The one a candle just didn’t say what I wanted. So as we celebrate International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day this March celebrate these strong women. I hope you love this new range as much as I do. I’ve coupled it with some old favourites so you can celebrate the strong, amazing women in your life with these Irish gifts for women. 



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