A good few people have said to me it's a shame there's no parade today. I'm trying to not be 'prickly' about it because I sit on the committee but when I was looking at the photos from Binghamstown I also feel the disappointment. However, I still also feel it was the right decision of the committee. I have to say that at this point I am expressing my own opinion and on that personal note I was a lot more relaxed and had a wonderful St Patrick's Day. Last year I was on the head of Main Street trying to prevent kids and spectators from being run over on both sides of the street and it was very stressful. I really hope that next year we will get the help to make the event happen and enjoyable for everyone including the stewards. It is such a lovely community event for the day that's in it.
So we decided not to go out of town to any other parades and instead we just visited family and had a nice lunch at home. I think today I had one of those moments that you will tell to people 30 years on please God. We called in to visit my cousin in the house my dad grew up in. Lots of my other cousins were there and as we sat round having breakfast and Ciarán (who looks very much like my dad) sat on one of the kitchen chairs smiling up at all his extended family and I got a lump in my throat. I often wonder what my dad would have thought about us moving back to Belmullet but to see him there today I know would have made him very happy.
We grew up fairly isolated as it was just me, my mam and dad, and my sisters. Cousins, aunts and uncles were visited every year or two but we didn't grow up with all this family round us and I do feel we missed out. Fate has bought us back to Belmullet and these little moments don't pass me by unmarked. My kids spent St Patrick's Day sitting round with their cousins in the house my dad grew up in. Here's to many of those moments and Go mbeirimid beo ag an seo arís.
1 comment
It is a pleasure to have you here in belmullet.